McLoud, continued...


Council possibly approving his resignation release and settlement agreement.

The city manager explained that on Aug. 16 when Elliott came in and handed him his resignation, “He wanted a settlement agreement that exceeded the amount of my spending authority and I told him it would have to go before the Council. They just ignored the agreement,” Day said this week.

Day hired him as police chief in January of 2019. He said then Elliott resided in the McLoud area and was a business owner.

Day added that Elliott would be paid $45,000 a year, the same as what former Police Chief Tom Pringle was receiving. Day had fired Pringle that same month.

He confirmed at that time Elliott had not been a police chief previously. He had experience as a police officer with Harrah and with the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s offi ce, too, the city manager said at the time he was hired.

Day, who spent 25 years as Pottawatomie County commissioner from District 3 before retiring, was asked if he knew what he was going to do now. “No, I really don’t. Don’t have a clue what I’m going to do,” he added.

On another resignation request, Mike Warwick, legal counsel for the City Council, attempted to resign, Day said. “But Council members, turned it down 5-0,” the city manager explained.

Warwick has agreed to remain as legal counsel, Day stated.

In other business, the Council members: Heard a presentation from OG&E representative Kimberly Adams regarding the franchise agreement with the utility company. Day said the City of McLoud will vote on the agreement next year.

Authorized applying for a Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP) grant with the Central Oklahoma Economic Development District.

Approved a Master agreement for Professional Services with Parkhill Engineering. Approved a personnel handbook update as it relates to COVID-19.

Tabled a public hearing on whether a property in McLoud should be considered constituting a public nuisance and should be abated and took no action on an agenda item related to that issue.

Took no action on approving rules for who can place items on the agenda.

Approved an inter local agreement with Pottawatomie County. Approved the authority having jurisdiction agreement with the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal’s offi ce.

Approved the final cost on the CDBG sewer line project with Urban Contractors that was $7,980 lower and approved that.

Adopted a resolution amending a fines and fees list.

Approved a budget amendment in the amount of $206,000 for a CDBG grant.

Meeting as the Public Works Authority, they approved the Utility Service Contract with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.